Tuition centre or music school perfectly designed.
Store your school database in the cloud, access it anytime, anywhere. Easily search students and classes information.
No more worries about keeping track of students attendance, Easys helps you to accomplish the task easily.
Easys is the first-ever truly user-friendly school management system. Managing student database is simple and efficient.
Access school data using desktops, laptops, even mobile devices. All you need are internet connection and a browser.
Take advantage of cloud computing, and empowers your school adminstration team.
With cloud computing, you can forget about updating software.
Using Easys allow you to manage school data using the latest technology. Our team has worked tirelessly to improve the software everyday to bring you new features. All updates are done on the cloud, so you don't have to worry about upgrading software.
From small to large, we have you covered, even if customisation is needed.
Have any questions before signing up? Send us a message, we will get back to you ASAP.